LOCATION: Ashtabula, Ohio, Planet Earth, Milky Way
OCCUPATION: SSR & VA Disability, Writer, Life Coach...Human Wellness, Blogger, Team Obama Volunteer, Photographer,
WHAT YOU REALLY WANNA BE WHEN YOU GROW UP: I would appreciate being the one who completed his projects of the documentary movie "The Billion Dollar Cure...Equipoise!" on a more timely basis than it has been thus far. I have a need to acquire the funding grant to professionally complete this project. Producer, director, camera, writer, a difference maker for humanity.
AGE (divided by 2 + 17): October 5, 1943 " I'm as old as the universe, as young as the moment, and I've been here, on the planet for 65 years." With your formula I'm 50, that's okay!
AWESOMENESS LEVEL ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 10: Seven is one of my lucky numbers...
FAVORITE MOVIE: "Who Killed The Electric Car?" ,"Sicko", There are so very many great movies.
LAST CONCERT YOU ATTENDED: The last concert fund raiser was at the Beachland Ballroom for the Cleveland Free Clinic, there were four bands, Tasty Cakes impressed me the most with the best performance.
POWER OF INVISIBILITY OR ABILITY TO FLY: I don't fly any longer and I do have the ability to be invisible, a gift from God.
FAVORITE RECIPE: Many, Walnut Mushroom Loaf, Vegetarian Lasagna with Mushrooms, just about anything with Eggplant, Parmesan, everything with Avocado, Guacamole
PETS: My Shiatsu, Charlie, I usually get along with most animals.
NUMBER OF FINGERS & TOES: My physiology seems to be normal, all twenty are in place.
on sharebook
and I'm working on www.spencer4coaching.com
VEGETARIAN OR VEGAN? Vegetarian at least...
FOR HOW LONG? Since my last meat meal April 19, 1973. Thirty six years 4-20-09...Yea!
WHAT GOT YOU TO THAT PLACE? An invitation from Michael and Carol to visit them in northern California, Cazadero, near the Russian River. While eating their delicious meals from their organic garden, the seeds were planted for me to shift to the healthier lifestyle. I have never eaten animals since then. Thank you God for your special guidance and patience.
HOW MANY EVENTS HAVE YOU ATTENDED? I just joined... 0 so far.
EMAIL ADDRESS: spencer4coaching(at)yahoo.com
ANYTHING ELSE WE COULD USE TO GET YOU IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW? I don't think so...I'm in favor of legalizing/decriminalizing Marijuana for private personal and medical use. It is a victimless crime...I am really looking forward to owning an electric car, anyone have one they could give to me to test drive for them? I would like to see wholistic wellness clinics in every community. Instead of demolishing old schools, convert them to the health clinics that save people's lives. Yes! "Oxygen to the Rescue" Pavel Yutsis, MD clinics with Chelation Therapy, Ozone, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Hydrogen Peroxide and Photoluminesence treatments plus Organically Grown Wheatgrass and Barley Grass Juices...raw, fresh, alive sprouts and other veggies.